滿足以下測試及標準 藥包材玻璃測試 包材測試 玻璃顆粒測試 玻璃容器測試 玻璃顆粒耐水性測試 玻璃容器耐水性測試 藥用玻璃材質耐水性測試 YBB00242003YBB00252003YBB00242… more
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Sterilization of liquids, solids, waste in disposal bags and hazardous biological substances
Sterilization that is easy, safe, accurate, reproducible and validatable.The sterilization process in an autoclave can be rather difficult. For example, when sterilizing liquids or solids (instruments, glassware, filters or textiles) for later use in the lab, the sterilization process must ensure t… more